Tales to Terrify 256 O. D. Hegre L. P. Harley J. B. Lewis Paul Sheldon

Coming UpGood Evening: 00:01:16O. D. Hegre’s The Passport as read by Joe Sammarco: 00:03:37L. P. Hartley’s Someone in the Lift as read by Jason Stubbs: 00:12:14J.B. Lewis’s Gargoyles as read by Matthew Staton: 00:27:35Paul Sheldon’s Cath Palug as read by J. K. Shepler: 00:52:26Pleasant Dreams: 01:40:19Songs of the Pumpkin Boy – Remember Those Ghosts: 01:42:16Pertinent LinksThe District of Wonders Network Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/districtofwondersO. D. Hegre: http://www.bewilderingstories.com/bios/hegre_bio.html#L. P. Hartley: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._P._HartleyJason Stubbs: https://www.facebook.com/jason.stubbs.7583Matthew Staton: myvoiceinmyhead@gmail.comJ. K. Shepler: https://downthemoviehole.blogspot.com/Songs of the Pumpkin Boy – Remember Those Ghosts: https://pumpkinboy.bandcamp.com/track/remember-those-ghosts