Tales to Terrify 290 Jeff Dosser Evan Dicken
Coming UpGood Evening: 00:44Jeff Dosser’s After Visiting Hours as read by Ron Jon: 02:58Evan Dicken’s Of the Fittest as read by Seth Williams: 09:33Pleasant Dreams: 45:23Pertinent LinksThe District of Wonders Network Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/districtofwondersRon Jon @ The Spectre Collector Blog: https://thespectrecollector.blogspot.com.au/Ron Jon @ The Spectre Collector Bandcamp: https://thespectrecollector.bandcamp.com/Ron Jon @ Fungus Sanguinarius at The Fruits of Madness blog: https://thefruitsofmadness.blogspot.com.au/Even Dicken: http://www.evandicken.com/Seth Williams: http://www.theboojum.org/