305 | Jeremy A Megargee & Franz Kafka
Coming Up
Good Evening: 00:00:42
Jeremy A Megargee’s Doll Eater as read by Jake Wachholz: 00:05:36
Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (Part I) as read by Seth Williams: 00:28:01
Pleasant Dreams: 01:08.59
Pertinent Links
The District of Wonders Network Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/districtofwonders
Doki Doki Literature Club: http://ddlc.moe/
Jeremy A Megargee: https://www.facebook.com/JMHorrorFiction
Franz Kafka: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka
Seth Williams: http://www.theboojum.org/