Tales To Terrify No 110 Diane Awerbuck, Csernica, This Is Horror 2013 Awards
Coming up:
Good evening 0:00:41
Women in Horror Month, an apology 0:01:14
This is Horror 2013 Awards 0:01:44
Fiction: “Mami Wata” by Diane Awerbuck, narrated by Graeme Dunlop 0:09:04
A few words about IMPAC 0:18:18
Fiction: “Fallen Idol” by Lillian Csernica, narrated by Pete Fallico 0:21:18
Pleasant dreams 1:01:05
This Is Horror 2013 Awards: http://www.thisishorror.co.uk/horror-awards-2013-winners/
Diane Awerbuck: http://itsabookthingblog.blogspot.com/2012/10/authors-pie-diane-awerbuck.html
Graeme Dunlop: @kibitzer Graeme Dunlop’s “Cast of Wonders”: http://www.castofwonders.org
Lillian Csernica: <a…