Tales to Terrify Show No 104 – Lights Out, Peter Crowther

Coming up:
Good evening 0:00:40
Thank you for contributing to David Bradshaw’s Kickstarter: 0:02:02
A new Cher is needed: 0:02:48
Thank you, Erik Gustafson: 0:05:48
“Lights Out” with Sylvia Shults, this week with David Youngquist 0:08:14
Fiction: “Songs of Leaving” by Peter Crowther, narrated by Stephen Kilpatrick 0:53:32 (end music, Earl King, “Let the Good Times Roll”)
Please vote Tales to Terrify as “Podcast of the Year” in the “This Is Horror” Awards: 1:37:44
Pleasant dreams: 1:38:30
Pertinent URLs
Want to be co-editor, send your bona fides to talestoterrify@gmail.com
Sylvia Shults: http://www.sylviashults.com/sylvia/
David Youngquist: <a href="http://darkcontinents.wordpress.com/tag/david-youngquist/" rel="nofollow"…